CTE stands for Career and Technical Education. These classes are apart of a rigorous program and is designed to give students hands on experience within a career cluster they are interested. EVERY student should take advantage of these classes so they can stoke their curiosity, fully develop their talents and skills and learn the many facets of employability through practical industry projects and interactions. Career and Technical Education gives students the chance to CREATE THEIR STORY!
Components of a program in Career and Technical Education
Vail CTE in Action

"Andrada's engineering courses and teachers helped me prepare for the major components of engineering in the workforce. Learning 3D modeling, machine design, and drawings directly translated to my current work for Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona. Even today I can count many of the people I met, including my teachers, as valuable resources when facing engineering challenges. I met dozens of connections in the field with the CTE field trips, and I was exposed to many industries where I could apply my skills and knowledge. Without question, I would not be where I am today without the hard work and compassion of my teachers, and I would be equally unprepared without the CTE program, which provided me with the tools I needed for a career that can change lives for the better." Rian Wright, Andrada Graduate 2020
Rian Wright University of Arizona Student and working at Stewart Observatory Former Andrada High School Student